Start with a jaw-dropping, gorgeous garden, add precious girls, adorable activities, and yummy treats, and you have a most-wonderful Garden Tea Party for two darling little Birthday Girls!
Moms Michelle and Lisa hosted this lovely Tea Party in the Garden and made it an exquisite day with the sweetest southern style! The party was held in the garden of the grandparents of one of the birthday girls. It was a stunning setting on its own, but add all of the children and the lovely details and the garden grew more beautiful, if even possible! As the children arrived, the hostesses met them wearing beautiful hats for the party!
The tea party table was set with teapot cakes at each end of the table, representing the two birthday girls...
Each place setting had a small bouquet of flowers for the guests to take home with them~
Each guest also received a miniature hat box with lace gloves and pearls tucked inside. The girls wore them as they enjoyed their lemonade and sweets.
The children were served traditional southern party fare complete with cheese straws, finger sandwiches, scones, and fruit~
How cute is the little watermelon teapot?
A silver tea service was a perfect touch for a southern tea party!
The activities were just as sweet as the girls! I loved how perfectly planned each activity was and how the girls worked so quietly and enthusiastically! This group photo shows them waiting patiently for each friend to arrive- and then they would run to greet and hug the guest that arrived!
The girls also enjoyed
~Making fans, for every little lady needs a fan in the hot summer heat
~Decorating hats for themselves and their dolls
~Making Flower Lollipops
~Serving tea to their dolls on a quilt in the garden
~Listening to their preschool teacher read SweetTeas in her cute southern drawl
~A Tea Party, of course!
Their preschool teacher surprised them with a visit while they had a tea party with their dolls...
Then, she led them to a shady spot to listen to the story~ I love this photo!
Another special part of the party was that all of the grandmothers were there to celebrate and enjoy!
After the story, the children had their own tea party and enjoyed all of the treats!
Such a sweet and happy day for everyone!
Thank you for inviting me to this wonderful garden party!