This Willy Wonka Party wows with Oompa Loompas, Golden Tickets, Chocolate Waterfalls, and a host of Chocolate Factory Treats that delighted the children in Mr. Wonka’s edible garden! Sarah, of Crackers Art, designed this colorful party for her son after they enjoyed the book and the movie! Sarah wanted her son and his guests to feel the excitement and magic of edible toadstools and lollipop flowers, and she didn’t miss a beat! Enjoy the brilliant colors and treats in this Chocolate Factory!
Each child received a Golden Ticket (designed by Sarah at Crackers Art) to enter the factory…
Edible Toadstools were made by mom, Sarah!
Oompa Loompas sang along…
I must admit, these Lollipop Cookies look so perfect that I thought they were made of paper! They aren’t- they are cookie pops!
Hugo’s cake mimicked the invitation…
And, cupcake toppers continued the colorful brilliance reflected in the movie from the 1970s~
What a great detail- Good/Bad Eggs~
Jaffa Kisses~
Ever-industrious Sarah made chocolate spoons with extra chocolate that she had from the other treats! Look how cute this impromptu idea turned out to be!
When the guests arrived, they could choose snacks from the snack table before being served lunch. After lunch, the children entered the Chocolate Factory for all of the treats! Here is the snack table with Mr. Wonka overlooking it all…and notice the Gobstopper banner!
The Birthday Boy enjoying his day!
And the talented, purple-haired, fun-loving mom behind the creative scenes enjoying her son’s celebration with him!
What a fabulous party, Hugo and Sarah! Thank you for sharing it with us all!
