You know how you sometimes meet someone and feel immediately impressed with their professionalism and polish? That describes how I felt about Anna Hartzog from the first introduction.

spring magazine cover with table set in white pink and blue with bright pink green and white flower centerpiece

In September, Anna Hartzog sent me a message on Instagram introducing herself and her job at Hoffman Media. I was honored to hear from Anna who is the Senior Project Editor at Hoffman Media.


Anna oversees the production of Entertain and Celebrate magazine (formerly Celebrate magazine). I have been a fan of this beautiful magazine for many years…and was really excited when Anna asked if I would be interested in having a party featured in the magazine.

magazine cover with celebrate on front and white cake with whipped cream and yellow marshmallow peep chicks

Fast forward a few weeks, and I had the opportunity to work with Anna and Lance on photos for a feature that she wrote about Parker Kennnedy Living’s Vintage Jewelry Wreaths. I was honored and humbled to take the photos for the magazine spread, and I developed so much admiration for Anna as I got to know her.

magazine pages with vintage jewlery wreaths in hoffman media publication

Anna was a dream to work with right from the start. Her polite and professional manner shined through her emails and direct messages. I was wowed by Anna’s kindness and patience as she answered questions and described her vision. Before Entertain and Celebrate hit news stands, Anna mailed me a copy of the magazine. Seeing the results of her hard work explained so much about Anna! The magazine was a reflection of her keen eye for visual content, her ability to organize and execute the vision, and her enthusiasm for bespoke celebrations and gifts.

entertain and celebrate magazine cover for christmas with christmas tree by fireplace on cover

Soon after, Anna reached out again about a party feature for a future edition. I was so impressed with Anna’s wonderful way of connecting. She is polite, proficient, and professional- and I really wanted to get to know her better! I asked Anna if I could interview her for my website and share her with all of you. I think we all enjoy what Anna and Hoffman Media deliver to us through their beautiful magazines, and so it only seemed fitting to get to know one of the smart minds behind the print. I happily headed to Birmingham to sit down with Anna and learn more!

lady in plaid blazer and black shirt sitting at desk working

You won’t be surprised to hear that Anna was an English minor at Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi~ her major was Psychology which also makes perfect sense to me when you realize how well she relates with everyone. Early on, Anna honed her skills by teaching college and high school English and with large projects as a volunteer with the Junior League of Birmingham. Within the Jr. League, she found herself as the editor of a magazine that highlighted community programs and opportunities. It was as though all of these endeavors were leading Anna to her role as Sr. Project Editor at Hoffman Media.

work place plaque with name photo and editorial position at hoffman media anna hartzog

As Senior Project Editor, Anna has many balls to juggle from preparing magazine copy and creating custom content for companies. Anna works with the recipe developers and photo stylists at HM to create the content that we enjoy as we flip page after page. She works alongside other project editors on each project, and each day at work brings a completely new set of opportunities. Anna says there is really no typical day while they prepare each issue or edition. Entertain & Celebrate is a specialty print that comes out 8 times a year. Anna and her team work around the calendar year to produce some of the most beautiful imagery and layout. (Other Hoffman Media publications include Bake from Scratch, Southern Lady, Victoria Magazine, and many more!) As you can see, Anna and all of those that work at Hoffman Media are dedicated to bringing us ideas and inspiration in the most gorgeous ways.

table setting with coral block print table cloth flowers in white hobnail vases and herend plates
Southern Lady Magazine Tablescape Design by Hoffman Media

I asked Anna her thoughts on the addition of social media to the media landscape in our everyday lives. She told me that it has enhanced the reach to all areas in a positive way. It makes connections easier to continue and gives more access to inspiration.

When I asked Anna about her own personal preferences for entertaining and celebrating, here is what she had to say…

  1. Do you prefer being a hostess or a guest at a party?

Anna~ “I prefer to host! I love to use nice things and enjoy china patterns and silver patterns. I worked at a silver store in college and was inspired to host parties and showers for friends.”

2. What is your favorite party style?

Anna~ “Fancy! My husband cooks and we always look for a reason to have people over and entertain.”

3. Favorite Silver Pattern? Frontenac

4. Favorite China? Herend

5. Favorite Hostess Gift? Wine, because it is perfect for right then or for later.

6. Cocktail Party or Cookout? Cocktail Party

7. Favorite Southern Vacation Spot? 30A/ also Asheville and Nashville

8. Favorite Season? Summer- there is more freedom and more daylight

9. Favorite Holiday? Christmas

10. Favorite Dinner Recipe? Indian Butter Chicken in an Insta Pot

11. Favorite Dessert? Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Strawberries

One of my favorite projects that Anna told me about is a cookbook that she made for her family. She gathered 60 of her grandmother’s recipes and 40 of other family members’ recipes and compiled them into one book. It took over 2 years to put it all together! I think this is especially sweet because Anna’s grandmother is who taught Anna how to cook. What a wonderful gift to have and to give. And, that feat alone pretty much sums up Anna’s dedication, gratefulness, and kindness all in one! Not to mention, it will make entertaining and celebrating more fun for all of the generations in her family!

table set in flowering garden white chairs coral colored tablecloth
Southern Lady Magazine Tablescape by Hoffman Media

Cheers, Anna! I am so happy know you!

Happy celebrating,

Lydia xo

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There is nothing like the bright colors and happy prints of Lilly Pulitzer to make every day feel like a party!  For my daughter’s 12th birthday party, she wanted to decorate cakes~ Lilly-style!  So, in order to decide how to mesh the two, I kept thinking “if Lilly had a cake shop instead of a juice stand”… I have to admit, this was one fun party to plan!  It is a blast to see where ideas go in the hands of a TWEEN!  Enjoy and remember, “…being happy never goes out of style!”. 


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