Time is winding down until the One Room Challenge for Fall 2019 is complete! I wish I could say the room is complete for the guest bathroom remodel that we are doing! Lol! The biggest challenges are finished and now the final touches are trying to come together right down to the wire. We had one big glitch, but we have made peace with it. 🙂 Mainly, the decorative touches that I sometimes spend too much time deciding on are the ones that are slowing me. But here is what we have so far…

Because of the age of the house (built in 1918), I liked the idea of simple white subway tile for the backsplash and surround. I wanted a crisp, white, and clean feel. The cabinets went in and then the tile was installed.
Then the floor tile was laid…which is where our big glitch happened. Let’s just say we left the tile guy by himself too long. Ugh- a little wonky- and he ran out of tile that was carefully measured and ordered.

My husband came to the rescue and was able to fix the problem. In one of the previous week’s posts, I mentioned that I wanted to have 1918 in the the middle of the decorative tile. I let that idea go, but maybe one day I will find a way to incorporate it somewhere in the house. I am just happy we have a new floor!

Next on the list was the glass for the shower. That went a lot smoother than the flooring. 🙂

We bought and installed a bamboo shade for the window in the bathroom. I am trying to like it, and it is growing on me. But I just don’t love it. I would like to have a fabric shade or something that is prettier than the bamboo. I have ordered the fabric and now we will have to see if it arrives in time for me to have the shade made. My problem was choosing the right fabric to coordinate with another fabric that I want to eventually use in the adjoining bedroom.
So…next week will be what the One Room Challenge calls “The Big Reveal”! I am really excited to put the final touches in place and share it. You can also see many other fantastic rooms coming together when you visit the ORC website. There are so many talented, creative designers and bloggers working hard on getting their rooms completed! Go check it all out! Thank you to Linda (the creator of the ORC) and to Better Homes and Gardens (the sponsor of the ORC). See you all next week!! Thanks for stopping by!
Cheers xo,